Head-Up Display

The sighting aid by FN Herstal specially designed for fixed forward-firing solutions

The FN® D-HUD (digital Head-Up Display) is a sighting solution built specifically to improve accuracy in firing, which will also reduce the pilot workload and improve target acquisition time. Easy to integrate, the FN® D-HUD offers capability to retrofit in service aircraft platforms to the latest advances in targeting technologies. The FN® D-HUD can be part of the FN® Digital Suite, together with FN® D-POD and FN® D-PC (digital Pod Controller).



Key benefits

  • Compatible with NVIS night vision goggles

  • Coupled with LRF (laser range finder)

  • Direct interface to Armament Management System (AMS)

  • Weapons inventory and status information

  • Ballistic compensation for multiple range of gun calibers and rockets

  • Fixed arm, no moving components

  • Compatible with some legacy targeting system fixation and supports